Transmission using analog signals quickly and easily loses quality once the maximum distance has been reached, and it is strongly affected by electronic or mechanical interference. What’s more, noise is even worse if using a multi-channel analog signal transmission. Dante technology uses the same technology as computer transmissions, thus is it able to transmit hundreds of noise free channels with the use of a simple cable with no interference. This has led to it becoming the standard single transmission solution in audio and voice related industries due to its extraordinary capabilities.
Dante is a real “plug to use” system, therefore users do not need to be an expert or even highly trained. The Dante system is a fully constructed network environment where the software does all the work, so long as it is plugged in correctly.
All Relacart products utilize Dante technology according to your specific requirements, and we have developed a number of individual products using Dante technology, including the DAM-128D automatic audio mixer, Block4 Dante network audio interface, TDN1 Dante conference microphone and more.